The fact this film was made is incredible. Calm, calculated and eerie. A descent into the most nightmarish. Nazi gymnastic (Sweet Movie). The private footage diminishes, and the public one increases. An emphatic return of the personal at the end .. to Auschwitz.
Shocking. We saw Simon growing up from a little boy in the family and suddenly he was the only family member who was left alive from the Holocaust. Home videos shows us the micro-history from below. It tells the stories from listeners instead of storyteller. We hear the silenced voices again from the overlooked history.
这种档案影像剪辑最烂俗的就是配上这样*纵性过强的戏剧性音乐 如果说家庭影像天然具有一种私人性的真实质地(超越了虚构与纪录片的真实意涵)那么被错误音乐编织过的家庭影像则彻底变了味(想象一下苹果照片帮你自动生成的音乐相册)虽然档案影像作品鼓励以编辑者的意向主导视听逻辑 但这种方式是否在直接破坏私人影像本身的活力与私密 这种做法是否有霸道垄断影像意义之嫌 尤其是当影像主人死于*** 这种对遗物的处理是否带来**问题?人究竟是否应该被其死亡定义?如何死决定了你的人生该被如何看?这和人物故事那样将私人作为公众窥探与自我比照之消费物的行为似乎都毫无节制地沉迷于一种小资的自我感动式人生观里 一切他人的都成为观众自身之可怜或幸运的注脚
The fact this film was made is incredible. Calm, calculated and eerie. A descent into the most nightmarish. Nazi gymnastic (Sweet Movie). The private footage diminishes, and the public one increases. An emphatic return of the personal at the end .. to Auschwitz.
看完night and fog再看这个结尾就得到了很多很多的不言而喻
Shocking. We saw Simon growing up from a little boy in the family and suddenly he was the only family member who was left alive from the Holocaust. Home videos shows us the micro-history from below. It tells the stories from listeners instead of storyteller. We hear the silenced voices again from the overlooked history.
说Forgacs是第一个做compilation film的人,虽然全用别人的家庭录像资料,但不妨碍他精心**剪辑(定格,染色),再请匈牙利作曲家Tibor Szemzo来谱曲的这种“创造”——在你看了57分钟家庭录像,都熟悉了这家人之后,再用最后一分钟说他们都被**了,同样被杀害的还有120000荷兰***,看似波澜不惊,等着厚积薄发。跟1955Alain Resnais《夜与雾》双视角,后来2010《未完成的电影》多角度叙述不同,这里只有Max Peereboom的一台摄影机,一个角度在叙事,让人没心思去想辩太多真假,反而投入更多情感。