玛丽亚娜·希尔 Marianna Hill

  • 别名:玛丽安娜·希尔
  • 性别:
  • 星座:水瓶座
  • 出生日期:1941-02-09
  • 出生地:美国,圣巴巴拉加州
  • 职业:演员



A familiar character actress, Mariana Hill was the daughter of a building contractor, who moved his family around. In addition to living in her native Southern California, Hill has lived in Canada, Spain and ***** Britain. As a result, she learned and became quite accomplished in doing different accents and dialects. Whether it's a French accent (from a guest appearance on ** Three Sons (1960)) or German (Hogan's Heroes (1965)), Hill could be counted on to belt it out. She started acting while a teenager, apprenticing at the La Jolla (Calif.) Playhouse, and also studied at the Neighborhood Playhouse in New York ****. Having beautiful, exotic looks certainly didn't hurt her either as she has played a Hawaiian girl, Irish lass and Greek beauty. In addition, she has been a model and was an acting coach and teacher at the Lee Strasberg Institute in London.