介绍: Adustyofficeoutsideoftimemanagesthefilesofhumanbeingslives.Paridehasbe…… 更多整六点介绍
整六点原名:Ore diciotto in punto,
A dusty office outside of time manages the files of human beings' lives. Paride has been working there for **** than 3000 years. At precisely six o'clock of a rainy afternoon, Paride has an appointment with Nicola, a defeated and disillusioned vagrant. At the expected time, though, a chain of events unsettles their and many others lives. Nothing of what happens could have been ...
发布于2014年。由Giuseppe Gigliorosso执导,并且由编剧Valentina Gebbia携幕后团队创作。集众多位Paride Benassai、Stefania Blandeburgo、Gigi Borruso等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2014-06-12(意大利)公映的电影。