介绍: OZ家庭秀原版原名:TheAdventuresofOzzie&Harriet,又名OzzieandHarriet、OzzieandHarri…… 更多OZ家庭秀原版介绍
OZ家庭秀原版原名:The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet,又名Ozzie and Harriet、Ozzie and Harriet Show、Ozzie and Harriet Family Show、The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet、Fun With Ozzie and Harriet。创作于美国地区,具有English语言版本。由David Nelson执导,集众多位Harriet Hilliard ... Harriet Nelson、Ozzie Nelson ... Ozzie Nelson、David Nelson ... David Nelson、Ricky Nelson ... Ricky Nelson等著名实力派明星加盟。于1952-10-03公映。
Very long running family ****, based largely on the actual actors involved. As the sons age we go through their teenage dating problems, then marriage and careers. Ricky became a (real life) rock and roll star; David joined a law firm. Written by Ed Stephan {stephan@cc.wwu.edu} 八卦:The Osbournes (新OZ家庭秀)就是模仿此长寿家庭喜剧脸是连续剧的。 sonychen 注
前几季还是**的家庭餐桌日常,David和Ricky上同一所学校后就猛然从Ozzie and Harriet变David and Ricky青春校园剧了,哥俩一直在date而且约会对象也没个固定的= = David太像小乔肯尼迪(此处可换成任何有兄弟姐妹的***本打橄榄球的jock)……不止长相 S6S7老和弟弟Ricky在约会方面对着干也很2333不过哥俩互怼吐槽也蛮有意思的 Ricky的嘴唇真性感!S3S4没认真看,有点难以直视青春期的Ricky(இωஇ )(被拍飞)