介绍: MillionaireoptometristRobertGrahambelievedthatmanyintellectualsweredyi…… 更多BBC地平线:天才精子银行介绍
BBC地平线:天才精子银行原名:The Genius Sperm Bank,
Millionaire optometrist Robert Graham believed that many intellectuals were dying childless, yet less-intelligent people were constantly reproducing. He wanted to bring thousands of geniuses into the world to ensure the future of the human race. In the early 1980s, he established a Repository for Germinal Choice - a ***** bank stocked full of 'donations' solicited from some of ...
发布于2006年。由保罗·奥尔丁执导,集众多位Steve Broder等著名实力派明星加盟。