介绍: SurelyyourememberhearingabouttheillusionistwhomadetheentireEiffelTower…… 更多魔术师的奇异人生介绍
魔术师的奇异人生原名:El acto en cuestión,又名The Act In Question
Surely you remember hearing about the illusionist who made the entire Eiffel Tower disappear in one of his shows? If you ever wondered about that, or about the magician who pulled off the stunt, perhaps you have what it takes to watch this surreal and nonlinear film, which explores the life, career, and downfall of the Argentine magician Miguel Quiroga. In the story, we discove...
发布于1994年。由Alejandro Agresti执导,并且由编剧亚历杭德罗·阿格雷斯蒂携幕后团队创作。集众多位Carlos Roffé、Sergio Poves Campos等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1994公映的电影。