介绍: Initsheyday,theLorraineHotelsawitsfairshareofguests,laughterandgoodtim…… 更多罗莱因旅店介绍
罗莱因旅店原名:Sweet Lorraine,
In its heyday, the Lorraine Hotel saw its fair share of guests, laughter and good times. But now that the aging inn is well past its prime, owner Lillian Garber must decide whether to repair the Catskills landmark - or sell to developers. As Lillian and her zany staff enjoy what may be the Lorraine's best- and last-summer season, they realize that not even a wrecking ball can d...
发布于1987年。由Steve Gomer执导,并且由编剧Michael Zettler、Shelly Altman携幕后团队创作。集众多位Maureen Stapleton、Trini Alvarado、Lee Richardson等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1987-05-08公映的电影。
第2届东京国际电影节:青年电影竞赛 青年电影樱花银奖。
20030617 **的洛林/Sweet Lorraine 1987 原声影院 cctv6