介绍: Withthe****fromhislittleguardianangel,Xuxinha,a7-yearoldboycalledGutof…… 更多Xuxinha e Guto Contra os Monstros do Espaço介绍
Xuxinha e Guto Contra os Monstros do Espaço又名Xuxinha and Guto Against the Space Monsters
With the **** from his little guardian angel, Xuxinha, a 7-year old boy called Guto faces the terrible garbage eating monsters from the planet XYZ in the first-ever animated Xuxa film.
发布于2005年。由Moacyr Góes、Clewerson Saremba执导,并且由编剧Flávio de Souza携幕后团队创作。并于2005-12-23公映的电影。