我的爸爸原名:Mio papà,又名** Dad。2014年剧情类型片,创作于意大利地区,具有意大利语语言版本。由朱利叶斯·贝斯执导,并由朱利叶斯·贝斯、乔治·帕索蒂任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位唐娜提拉·芬诺恰罗、尼内托·达沃利、乔治·帕索蒂、法比欧·托亚诺、Emanuela Rossi、Niccolò Calvagna、Valerio Base等著名实力派明星加盟。于2014-11-27(意大利)公映。
Lorenzo works as diver on an oil rig in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. In his profession is the best. He loves his *******. When he gets bored, he takes a dinghy to go ashore and look for entertainment and adventures. Until he meets a girl who is different from the others, she is Claudia, he really likes her. The passion soon breaks out.