This Road Will Never End


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This Road Will Never End

"This Road Will Never End" is a documentary film originally broadcast on UK Channel 4 TV. It was shown as part of the Celluloid Icons season and focused on River Phoenix as a *** icon. Amongst those intervened are Mike Parker who was the basis for River's character in ** Own Private Idaho. The film was directed and produced by William Parry.

发布于1996年。由William Parry执导,集众多位迈克尔·帕克、瑞凡·菲尼克斯等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1996-11-13公映的电影。


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This Road Will Never End评价

  • 挺短的一段劇組訪談,算是紀念吧。****://v.youku****/v_show/id_XNzcyMDk1OTc2.html

  • 制作比较粗劣,但看到很多人讲述river对自己的影响的时候还是感动到不行T T

  • 许多人都提到了River在** own private Idoha中表现出来的疏离感,想要追寻的家找不到,爱的人并不爱自己,male hustler的身份让他在社会中也格格不入;谈到River最能让人与之共情的疏离和脆弱;也谈到了他怎么让自己有勇气追寻并最终面对真实的自我;谈到他对自然的关注,他素食主义者的身份;谈到自己在他身上找到的亲切感和认同感,以及他去世时的巨大冲击。River在所有电影中都是如此,他在电影中呈现出来的永远不是技巧,而是他挖掘出的自己的心,他打动人的是他自己。

  • MOPI相关。"it might take a few of these films before there's a natural stride with the whole issue, and then one day it won't even be an issue, which is what i'm hoping."- River Phoenix
