'Ang Galing galing mo, Babes'

'Ang Galing galing mo, Babes'(2002)

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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Joyce Jimenez / Albert Martinez / Jackie Castillejos
  • 类型:剧情
  • 地区: 菲律宾
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'Ang Galing galing mo, Babes'剧情内容介绍

'Ang Galing galing mo, Babes'原名:'Ang Galing galing mo, Babes',

Babes has established a good reputation as an entertainer in Japan that clients fought over her.  But soon, the fighting becomes intense she decides to come home but with a different identity.  Babes decided to continue her career as an entertainer and as expected, customers never seem to get enough of her.  Later, she encounters Tol, a pervert who uses her to payoff his debts.  De...

发布于2002年。由Ed Palmos执导,并且由编剧Ed Palmos携幕后团队创作。集众多位Joyce Jimenez、Albert Martinez、Jackie Castillejos、Lester Llansang、Ruby Moreno、Jenny Roa等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2002公映的电影。


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