介绍: ****://***.***********/watch?v=U0ZiZYbz1f4Unforgettablefilmthatwillhau…… 更多旅途的故事介绍
旅途的故事原名:Сказка странствий,又名The Story of the Voyages、Skazka stranstviy
****://***.***********/watch?v=U0ZiZYbz1f4 Unforgettable film that will haunt you forever (especially if you watch it as a child) One reviewer said that you won't want to watch this film twice, because it is so dark. And she was right. Ironically, over the summers of '83-84, this movie was shown CONSTANTLY at ** camp, which was located in New York for all Soviet kids. I guess b...
发布于1985年。由Aleksandr Mitta执导,并于1985-10-10公映的电影。