介绍: Bythetimehereachedhismid-20s,GlennGouldhadchangedthewaytheworldlistene…… 更多Glenn Gould – On Television - The Complete CBC Broadcasts 1954-1977介绍
Glenn Gould – On Television - The Complete CBC Broadcasts 1954-1977
By the time he reached his mid-20s, Glenn Gould had changed the way the world listened to the keyboard works of Johann Sebastian Bach. By the time of his fatal stroke in 1982, two days after he turned 50, this daring and visionary artist had successfully challenged many of the most cherished conventions of classical music. Now, for the first time, the dozens of film and televis...
豆瓣评分未知,暂时没有评分,请继续等待。类型为音乐的电影。创作于美国、加拿大、欧洲 Europe地区,具有英语语言版本。
近日又重温... 犹记得第一次看Bach这集时spellbinding的感觉:music's greatest non-conformist, and one of the supreme examples of that independence of the artistic conscience that stands quite outside the collective historical process...
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