介绍: 夺命目击原名:TheAccidentalWitness,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由kristoffertabori执导,并由Thr…… 更多夺命目击介绍
夺命目击原名:The Accidental Witness,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由kristoffer tabori执导,并由Thriller任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位娜塔莎.格莱格森.瓦格纳、居里.格莱汉、亚隆.培尔等著名实力派明星加盟。于2006公映。
A highly ambitious second-rung corporate executive, Victor Sandeman (Currie Graham), is losing his life style as a result of poor investments. He sees a way out via a company merger, but the old man who runs the business opposes the deal. Victor decides to murder the old-timer so his weak-willed highly malleable grandson will be in charge. Thus the merger will be approved throu...
当命运让你偶遇绝望陌生人 命运也已安排好结局 hopefully you'll get ***** and smart as quickly as you can, but in der tat there's schon nothing you can do