介绍: 失落的天使原名:ΧαμένοιΆγγελοι,又名Hamenoiangeloi。1948年剧情类型片,创作于希腊地区,具有希腊语语言版本。由…… 更多失落的天使介绍
失落的天使原名:Χαμένοι Άγγελοι,又名Hamenoi angeloi。1948年剧情类型片,创作于希腊地区,具有希腊语语言版本。由Nikos Tsiforos执导,并由Nikos Tsiforos任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位Hristos Tsaganeas、Smaroula Giouli、Irene Papas等著名实力派明星加盟。于1948公映。
Chris Terakis rich Greek from Alexandria who came to Greece to continue his criminal career. It is a drug dealer and ask for an unsuspecting victim to transfer the traffickers. Luke, the bloke with a criminal underworld, would recommend the adoptive daughter Ellie. Ellie gets a *** in Teraki provided on the edge of confidentiality of business secrets, while the eyes of the worl...