介绍: 西部海口原名:WesternApproaches,1945年剧情、纪录片、战争类型片,创作于荷兰、英国地区,具有英语语言版本。由PatJac…… 更多西部海口介绍
西部海口原名:Western Approaches,1945年剧情、纪录片、战争类型片,创作于荷兰、英国地区,具有英语语言版本。由Pat Jackson执导,并由Pat Jackson任编剧,携幕后团队创作。于1945-02-03公映。
A wartime documentary, made under the auspices of the Crown Film Unit, made as a tribute to the Merchant Navy. During WWII they kept the lifeline to America and the Commonwealth open so that this little island could fight on. Even as late as 1943/4 when this was made the convoys still provided vital essential supplies as well as the materiel necessary to take the fight into Eur...
片名《西线战事》一部战时的纪录片,官方电影部门主持下拍摄 二战期间美国援助英国的**、食品及其它战略物资,都是通过大西洋由商船运往英国,由于德军的潜艇袭击,许多商船在运输中被击沉,本片描述一艘让德军潜艇击中的商船,在船队队长埃里克·富勒顿的沉着指挥下,最后击毁追击商船的潜艇,船员们得以**。