介绍: WhentheMysticOrbofAtosisdisturbedbytwowarringAmazonstheyaremagicallytr…… 更多性感勇士介绍
性感勇士原名:Sexy Warriors,又名Guerreiras Sensuais
When the Mystic Orb of Atos is disturbed by two warring Amazons they are magically transported from their primitive island in the Dark Ages to the modern world of Los Angeles. Lost in time they continue their campaign of combat as each seeks out the other in an attempt to settle their deadly score once and for all. Their desire to fight is only matched by their desire to conque...
发布于2014年。由Dean McKendrick执导,并且由编剧Dean McKendrick携幕后团队创作。集众多位Erika Jordan、Jazy Berlin、Christine Nguyen、Misty Stone、Alec Knight、Voodoo、Brandon Ruckdashel、Ted Newsom等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2014-04-22(美国)公映的电影。